Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month

November is Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month

Sixty percent of Americans with Diabetes Skip Annual Sight-Saving Exams

Acuity Eye Center Lahore Pakistan and the American Academy of Ophthalmology reiterate the importance of dilated eye exams in preventing vision loss. People with diabetes are at increased risk of developing serious eye diseases, yet most do not have sight-saving, annual eye exams, according to a large study. The Acuity Eye Center Lahore Pakistan joins the Academy in reiterating the importance of eye exams during the month of November, which is observed as Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month.

Researchers at Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia have found that more than half of patients with the disease skip these exams. They also discovered that patients who smoke – and those with less severe diabetes and no eye problems – were most likely to neglect to have these checks.

One in 10 Americans has diabetes, putting them at heightened risk for visual impairment due to the eye disease diabetic retinopathy. The disease also can lead to other blinding ocular complications if not treated in time. Fortunately, having a dilated eye exam yearly or more often can prevent 95 percent of diabetes-related vision loss. Diabetes is the leading cause of new cases of blindness in adults, with patients with diabetes 25 times more likely to become blind than those who do not have diabetes.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic Retina

It is also known as diabetic eye disease, which is a medical condition in which damage occurs to the retina due to diabetes mellitus. It is a leading cause of blindness. Diabetic retinopathy affects up to 80 percent of those who have had diabetes for 20 years or more.

Symptoms Of Diabetic Retinopathy

Symptoms Of Diabetic Retinopathy

You first may notice diabetic retinopathy (DR) or other eye problems related to diabetes when you have symptoms such as:

  • Fluctuating vision
  • Eye floaters and spots
  • Development of a scotoma or shadow in your field of view
  • Blurry and/or distorted vision
  • Corneal abnormalities such as slow healing of wounds due to corneal abrasions
  • Double vision
  • Eye pain
  • Near vision problems unrelated to presbyopia


Prevention of Diabetic Retinopathy

Work with your doctor to keep your blood sugar and blood pressure at good levels. This will help to slow down diabetic retinopathy, and may even prevent it.

Make sure you see an eye doctor at least once a year for a complete eye exam. If you have diabetes and are pregnant, you should also have a thorough eye exam during the first trimester, and follow up with an eye doctor during pregnancy.

Eye exams are critical as they can reveal hidden signs of disease, enabling timely treatment. This is why the Academy recommends people with diabetes have them annually or more often as recommended by their ophthalmologist, a physician who specializes in medical and surgical eye care.

Dilated Eye Exam For Diabetic Retinopathy

Dilated eye exam

Diabetic retinopathy is best diagnosed with a comprehensive dilated eye exam. For this exam, drops placed in your eyes widen (dilate) your pupils to allow your doctor to better view inside your eyes. The drops may cause your close vision to blur until they wear off, several hours later

“Vision loss is tragic, especially when it is preventable,” said Ann P. Murchison, M.D., M.P.H., lead author of the study and director of the eye emergency department at Wills Eye Hospital. “That’s why we want to raise awareness and ensure people with diabetes understand the importance of regular eye exams.”

The Academy offers this animated public service announcement to help educate people about the importance of regular exams and common eye diseases including diabetic retinopathy. It encourages the public to watch and share it with their friends and family.

Here is the message of our Lead consultant Professor Dr. Zia Ul Mazhry

"Diabetic retinopathy is a scientific term that means damage to the retina caused by leaky vessels of new vessel formation on the retina. Early detection is the key to damage control and devising a treatment plan. Moreover, by managing diabetes, you can reduce the progression of this disease affecting your eyesight. Patients having a high risk of diabetic retinopathy should know that regular examination and followup by a qualified eye specialist is the only way to timely diagnoses of this blinding disease. The sooner the diagnosis is established, the better custom treatment plan can be materialized."

American seniors 65 and older may be eligible to get a medical eye exam at no cost through EyeCare America, a public service program of the Academy. For more information about diabetic eye disease, visit the Acuity Eye center's Website website.

About the American Academy of Ophthalmology

The American Academy of Ophthalmology is the world’s largest association of eye physicians and surgeons. A global community of 32,000 medical doctors, we protect sight and empower lives by setting the standards for ophthalmic education and advocating for our patients and the public. We innovate to advance our profession and to ensure the delivery of the highest-quality eye care. Our EyeSmart® program provides the public with the most trusted information about eye health. For more information, visit aao.org. and eyeacuity.com

About Eye Health Education By Acuity Eye Center Lahore Pakistan:

Welcome to the Education Portal of Acuity Eye Centre Lahore Pakistan. We are committed to serving our patients and our community, to the development and propagation of new concepts to preserve and enhance vision. Our three missions—clinical service, education, and research—are closely interrelated. Visit: https://eyeacuity.com/education/

Contact Our Team:

If you are looking for any of below services, please fill the form below, one of our team members will get in to provide you with full facilitation:

1– Comprehensive Primary Eye Exam/ Consultation

Consultation ::: Adult Eye Examination and Consultation

Consultation ::: Children Eye Examination Refraction Consultation

Consultation ::: Infant Eye Examination Refraction Consultation

2-Secondary Follow up Eye Examination and Consultations

Followup ::: Examination under Sedation for Kids (After Initial Consultation)

Followup ::: Dilated Fundus Examination(DFE)

Followup ::: Cycloplegic Refraction and DFE

3-Diagnostic Eye Test

Diagnostic ::: OCT

Diagnostic ::: Angio OCT

Diagnostic ::: Anterior Segment OCT

Diagnostic ::: Pachymetry

Diagnostic ::: Perimetry / Visual Fields

Diagnostic ::: Hess Chart/Digital Squint Assessment/Digital Diplopia Test

Diagnostic ::: Digital Colour vision test