The Academy is sharing important ophthalmology-specific information related to the new coronavirus, referred to as "2019-nCoV," or simply the "Wuhan c...
Experience with Lucidis 124M EDOF IOLs- The Lucidis EDOF technology IOL appears a safe, economical and effective option for phaco IOL surgery for the...
Invitation: Dear Colleagues/Residents in Ophthalmology Assalamalaikom, Jinnah Hospital Allama Iqbal Medical college and WAPDA Teaching Hospital Lahore...
A medical certificate or doctor's certificate is a written statement from a physician or other medically qualified health care provider which attests...
Severe HCQ retinopathy often progresses even after drug cessation Researchers used multimodal imaging to study retinal and vision changes after hydrox...
Professor Zia ul Mazhry was invited by Professor Irfan qayyoum Malik at Eye Department DHQ Gujranwala Medical College to deliver a comprehensive phaco...