written by
Numan Malik

Eye Wellness Awareness Month

Diseases and Conditions Eye Care Education 5 min read
March-2020-Workplace Eye Wellness & Eye Donor Awareness Month

March-2020-Workplace Eye Wellness & Eye Donor Awareness Month

Protect Your Eyes from Too Much Screen Time

Acuity Eye Center Lahore Pakistan and the American Academy of Ophthalmology offer tips to avoid dry, strained eyes.

A recent study found that the average office worker spends 1,700 hours per year in front of a computer screen. And that doesn’t include our addiction to phones and other digital devices. All this screen time has led to an increase in complaints of eye strain, dry eye, headaches, and insomnia. During Workplace Eye Wellness Month in March, Acuity Eye Center Lahore Pakistan joins the American Academy of Ophthalmology is offering tips to desk workers everywhere whose eyes may need relief from too much screen time.

Why does computer use strain the eyes more than reading print material? Mainly because people tend to blink less while using computers. Focusing the eyes on computer screens or other digital displays has been shown to reduce a person’s blink rate by a third to a half, which tends to dry out the eyes. We also tend to view digital devices at less than ideal distances or angles.

Dry Eyes

Dry eye is a common condition that occurs when your tears aren't able to provide adequate lubrication for your eyes. Tears can be inadequate for many reasons. For example, dry eyes may occur if you don't produce enough tears or if you produce poor-quality tears.

Dry eyes feel uncomfortable. If you have dry eyes, your eyes may sting or burn. You may experience dry eyes in certain situations, such as on an airplane, in an air-conditioned room, while riding a bike or after looking at a computer screen for a few hours.

خشک آنکھیں

Dry Eyes

اکثر افراد کو اس قسم کی تکلیف کا سامنا ہوتا ہے جس کے دوران لگتا ہے جیسے آنکھیں بالکل خشک ہوگئی ہیں، جس کی وجہ اکثر وٹامن اے کی کمی ہوتی ہے، تاہم یہ شکایت عمر بڑھنے اور کچھ خاص ادویات کے استعمال کے باعث بھی لاحق ہوسکتی ہے۔ماہرین کا کہنا ہے کہ یہ ایک ایسی بیماری کا باعث بھی ہوسکتا ہے جو خاص طور پر ایسے گلینڈز کو متاثر کرتا ہے جو آنسوﺅں اور لعاب دہن کو بنانے کا کام کرتے ہیں۔عام طور پر اس کے دوران ایسا لگتا ہے کہ جیسے آنکھ میں کوئی کنکر چلا گیا ہو اور چبھن محسوس ہوتی رہتی ہے۔ وٹامن اے کے ساتھ ساتھ غذا میں صحت بخش چربی کی کمی بھی اس کا باعث بن سکتی ہے۔

You don’t need to buy expensive computer glasses to get relief. In fact, a study published last month concluded that blue light filters are no more effective at reducing the symptoms of digital eye strain than a neutral filter.

Simple Tips to Ease Eye Strain and Dry Eyes

Simple Tips to Ease Eye Strain and Dry Eyes

Keep your distance:

Keep your distance:

The eyes actually have to work harder to see close up than far away. Try keeping the monitor or screen at arm’s length, about 25 inches away. Position the screen so your eye gaze is slightly downward.

Reduce glare:

Glass screens can produce glare that can aggravate the eye. Try using a matte screen filter.

Adjust lighting:

Adjust Lighting

If a screen is much brighter than the surrounding light, your eyes have to work harder to see. Adjust your room lighting and try increasing the contrast on your screen to reduce eye strain.

Give your eyes a break:

20-20-20 Rule

Remember to blink and follow the 20-20-20 rule. Take a break every 20 minutes by looking at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Looking into the distance allows your eyes to relax.

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کمپیوٹر کا استعمال کرنے والوں کے لیے پیغام

ہر20منٹ بعد،20سیکنڈ کے لیے اسکرین سے نظر ہٹائیں

ڈاکٹر ضیاء المظہری نے آنکھوں کی حفاظت سے متعلق بتایا ،’’ نامناسب طرزِزندگی کے باعث بچّوں اور بڑوں کی کثیر تعداد امراضِ چشم کا شکار ہورہی ہے۔ایک صحت مند فرد40سال کی عُمر کے بعدہر سال کسی مستند ماہرِ امراض چشم سے اپنی آنکھوں کا لازمی معائنہ کروائے۔اگر آنکھوں کے امراض کی فیملی ہسٹری ہو،تو پھر معائنہ اور بھی ضروری ہوجاتا ہے۔ کم روشنی میں پڑھنے سے گریز کیا جائے، جب کہ سگریٹ نوشی سے پرہیز ضروری ہے۔ جہاں تک خوراک کا تعلق ہے، تو ہری سبزیاں، گاجر، پالک، بندگوبھی، مچھلی، سونف، نظر کی تقویت کا باعث بنتی ہیں۔ انڈے، مونگ پھلی، پھلیاں، لیموں اور دوسرے ترش پھل بھی بہت مفید ہیں۔

Keep eyes moist:

Keep artificial tears at hand to help lubricate your eyes when they feel dry. Consider using a desktop humidifier. Office buildings have humidity-controlled environments that suck moisture out of the air. In winter, heaters on high can further dry your eyes.

Stop using devices before bed:

There is evidence that blue light may affect the body’s circadian rhythm, our natural wake and sleep cycle. During the day, blue light wakes us up and stimulates us. So, too much blue light exposure late at night from your phone or other devices may make it harder to get to sleep. Limit screen time one to two hours before bedtime. Use nighttime settings on devices and computers that minimize blue light exposure.

“Eyestrain can be frustrating. But it usually isn't serious and goes away once you rest your eyes or take other steps to reduce your eye discomfort,” said Dianna L.Seldomridge, M.D., clinical spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology. “If these tips don’t work for you, you may have an underlying eye problem, such as eye muscle imbalance or uncorrected vision, which can cause or worsen computer eyestrain.”

Those experiencing consistently dry red eyes or eye pain should visit an ophthalmologist, a physician specializing in medical and surgical eye care.

Here is the message of our Lead Consultant Professor Dr. Zia Ul Mazhry

Due to inappropriate lifestyles, a large number of children and adults are suffering from Eye deceases. A healthy person should have his eye checked every year after the age of 40 with an authorized Ophthalmologist. If there is a family history of eye diseases. Inspection becomes even more important. Avoid reading in low light, while Quitting smoking is a must. As far as food is concerned, green vegetables, carrots, spinach, cabbage, fish, fennel, strengthen eyesight. Eggs, peanuts, beans, lemons, and other Citrus fruits are also very useful.

ڈاکٹر ضیاء المظہری کی لکھی ہوئی چشمِ خُشک کے بارے میں نظم

ہم نے دیکھی ہیں وہ ویران وہ صحرا سی آنکھیں

اشکِ تر کو ترستی ہوئی پیاسی آنکھیں

سرخ اتنی کہ لہو جیسے ٹپک جائے گا

درد سے چیختی چلاتی ہوئی روتی آنکھیں

ریگ زاروں میں بھٹکتی ہوئی بھاری پلکیں

نورسے ڈرتی ہوئی کرنوں سے اُلجھتی آنکھیں

اتنی اُلجھن کہ کوئی نوچ کے پھینکے دیدے

ٹمٹماتی ہوئی جلتی ہوئی بجھتی آنکھیں

قطرہءِ اشک جو سیراب کرے کشتِ ویراں

چارہ گر ڈھونڈتی پھرتی ہیں سوالی آنکھیں

صاف صاف کیوں نہیں کہتے

پیار ہم سے تم نہیں کرتے

تیری آنکھیں یہ ہم سے کہتی ہیں

تیرے دل میں ہم نہیں رہتے

ہوا کیا جو کھو گئی منزل

تیز تیز کیوں نہیں چلتے

تم خزاں کی بات کرتے ہو

گل بہار میں نہیں کھلتے

جایئے در نہ کھولیں گے

ہم کسی سے بھی اب نہیں ملتے

آنکھوں میں جھانکتے کیا ہو

میرے دل میں تم نہیں بستے

Video about How to Say Bye to Dry Eye-چشمِ خشک سے نجات کیسے ہو؟

About the American Academy of Ophthalmology

The American Academy of Ophthalmology is the world’s largest association of eye physicians and surgeons. A global community of 32,000 medical doctors, we protect sight and empower lives by setting the standards for ophthalmic education and advocating for our patients and the public. We innovate to advance our profession and to ensure the delivery of the highest-quality eye care. Our EyeSmart® program provides the public with the most trusted information about eye health. For more information, visit aao.org.

About Eye Health Education By Acuity Eye Center Lahore Pakistan:

Welcome to the Education Portal of Acuity Eye Centre Lahore Pakistan. We are committed to serving our patients and our community, to the development and propagation of new concepts to preserve and enhance vision. Our three missions—clinical service, education, and research—are closely interrelated. Visit: https://eyeacuity.com/education/

Contact Our Team:

If you are looking for any of below services, please fill the form below, one of our team members will get in to provide you with full facilitation:

1- Comprehensive Primary Eye Exam/ Consultation

Consultation ::: Adult Eye Examination and Consultation
Consultation ::: Children Eye Examination Refraction Consultation
Consultation ::: Infant Eye Examination Refraction Consultation
2-Secondary Follow up Eye Examination and Consultations

Followup ::: Examination under Sedation for Kids (After Initial Consultation)
Followup ::: Dilated Fundus Examination(DFE)
Followup ::: Cycloplegic Refraction and DFE
3-Diagnostic Eye Test

Diagnostic ::: OCT
Diagnostic ::: Angio OCT
Diagnostic ::: Anterior Segment OCT
Diagnostic ::: Pachymetry
Diagnostic ::: Perimetry/Visual Fields
Diagnostic ::: Hess Chart/Digital Squint Assessment/Digital Diplopia Test
Diagnostic ::: Digital Colour vision test

EyeAcuity خشک آنکھ DryEyes eyestrain 20-20-20-Rule